Sunday, February 20, 2011

The Rape of Lara Logan – The Rape of America

By now most of America has heard of the rape of Lara Logan, or have they? News was released yesterday that a mob of pro-Democracy Egyptians beat and raped this stunningly beautiful reporter for CBS’s 60 Minutes. The tale is horrid, if you’ve taken the time to read up on it. The thought of this South African by birth reporter, being consumed by a sexually repressed male mob of Muslims should send shivers up every Christian or Jewish woman’s spine.

It appears that the pro-Democracy hoards in Egypt had other things on their minds and it wasn’t freedom. It was more like rape, beat and pillage. It’s been reported that the word “Jew, Jew, Jew” was yelled as she was continually raped and beaten. Hmm, could this be considered a hate crime? Where are all those ACLU lawyers when you need them?

Moving on, over the past few weeks I’ve had to endure gobs of adjectives from Liberals across the media spectrum who described this movement as a wonderful renaissance of the Middle East. Well, I wonder how they’re feeling today after this beating and rape of one of their own? It was bad enough when CNN’s Anderson Cooper and other male media talking heads were beaten, but when a beauty like Lara is raped by a pro-Democracy Muslim mob, it all seems to hit home for the average American.

As more information trickles out about the rape, I’m sure the American Liberal Left aren’t feeling so “warm and cuddly” about their experimentation with the new social networking tools on primitive third world peoples. It’s obvious that this story was held for several days with the liberal Left media-types scurrying around trying to figure out how to spin this tragedy.

Of course, the Logan family should have their privacy, but the symbolism of this rape speaks volumes to the radical Muslim movement that’s sweeping across the globe. It should be noted that the rape of Lara Logan could someday be the “Rape of America.”

Obama - Yes You Own the Lara Logan Rape

Animosity between Israelis and American liberal Jews has never been higher. Polls in Israel continue to point to a liberal Jewish-American abandonment of the homeland. The Israeli people knew when Obama was elected, with the help of 77% of Jewish-Americans, there would be big trouble, but they had no idea how big.

It was clear to the average Israeli that Barack Obama was not supportive of the homeland, but liberal Jews in America never saw it and if they did, they ignored it or just didn’t give a damn. Now, that Obama has had two years to decimate the American-Israeli relationship, the tiny but mighty democracy is becoming more of a lone voice in the region for freedom and democracy.

It's one thing to have a poor relationship with the United States but it's another when you have a regional disruption of the statues-quo. The tinkering by our U.S. State Department led by Hillary Clinton and blessed by Obama and other clandestine operations has with the use of social networking, Internet driven technologies and devices have upset the applecart for Israel and U.S. right wing alliances in the region.

While the American people were distracted by Obama and the Left’s attempt to nationalize our private sector, they were operating behind the scenes to dismantle the Middle East. In other words, they stirred up a pot that should’ve been left alone. The consequence of this folly could be catastrophic and far-reaching for Israel and the West.

The framework of dictators and police-states that kept a lid on this region was there for two reasons. Two reasons the Obama Administration had either forgotten or purposefully ignored.

The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the free flow of oil at market price was an obvious reason, but the primary reason was the ten ton elephant in the room that nobody talked about, radical Islam. Our right wing military and political leaders have known for decades how much of a threat it was to stability in the region, so it was paramount that the status-quo remains in place.

Obama’s attempt to tiptoe around the events in the Middle East has led many to wonder what the hell is going on. One day he owns the events and the other he doesn’t. But, the reasons are obvious to the trained eye. His policies and behind the scenes influence to the naive pro-democracy movements and pro-union groups in the region are responsible for the disruption of peace now spreading across the Middle East.

In conclusion, yes, President Barack Obama owns this uprising. He can’t run from it. He can’t hide from it. He owns every death, beating and rape. Yes, rape, Lara Logan! He owns the now mass migration of Muslims streaming into Europe on boats from Algeria, Tunisia and Libya, that will eventually swallow up the once Christian continent. He will own the destruction of Israel and the millions that will die. He owns the creation of a one Islamic nation, armed with nuclear weapons and delivery systems with no fear of death.

Yes, President Obama, as leader of the free world you own this, and let’s not forget the people who put you there.

Mohammad Meets The Real Housewives of Beverley Hills

One day Mohammad started up his generator in an arid southwestern region of Egypt and sat down on the dusty floor of his mud hut to catch up on the latest prayer from his televangelist-Imam. But, on the way over to his TV he accidentally bumped into his satellite dish and pulled it five degrees to the left, pointing it straight at a U.S. commercial satellite that serviced the East coast of the United States.

As he picked up his remote and settled in for his daily spiritual enlightenment, up came these painted women with puffed out breasts and lips that didn’t flap when they walked or talked. The clothes they wore were so brief he started to become aroused even though the lips were a turn off. Mohammad quickly ran out of his hut while stubbing his barefoot toe on his generator. He called out to everyone in the village to come see what he found on his television-adventure.

As the crowd of fifteen villagers gathered in the twenty by twenty foot hut, they watched as these women in the United States left food on their plates, spent more money in an afternoon of shopping than they made in five years on things they didn’t even need and argued all day about who had the best manicure.

The show quickly ended and up came another show with women that had butts the size of an elephant. This pleased Mohammad and the rest of his male villagers. The women from his village who were covered from head to toe were taking notes for some reason. This confused Mohammad, but he kept on watching anyway and waiting for these women with big butts to bend over.

Mohammad’s hut was getting smelly with all of the villagers who hadn’t taken a bath in two weeks. Amid broke his usual rank wind that caused two women to vomit which added to the smell.

Then a third show came on with starving women who did nothing but walk up and down a walkway never smiling. He knew right away where these woman came from. They were from further south of his village where there’s been famine for decades. But, he couldn’t figure out why the white women were so skinny. He thought maybe it was because the women from the first show never fed them their leftovers.

Anyway the show ended and the villagers left Mohammad’s hut with mixed emotions about these American women they had watched for six hours straight. The women found it hard to believe that so much could be had by so few. Why can’t we have that, the women wondered? It just isn’t fair, they thought, as they cut off their men from sex for two days and some two months. This news spread and within a month the entire country and region knew how women lived in the United States.

Mohammad and other men from other villages and other countries in the region became so enraged over these TV shows and lack of sex they headed off to Cairo and other capitals on their camels to overthrow their Presidents and governments.

So, that’s what happened in the Middle East. That’s how the governments have been overthrown. It wasn’t Facebook, Twitter or a great need for Democracy. It all started with a little show by the name of The Real Housewives of Beverley Hills.

Prince Al-Waleed is No Friend of America or You

Prince Al-Waleed bin Talal bin Abdul Aziz Al Saud was interviewed by Neil Cavuto on Fox News the other day. I have included both parts of this interview at the end of my article, for your evaluation.
With that said, for the past two years I have been following the Prince and his various activities with great interest. One should not blow this guy off. That would be a huge mistake. He is the most influential and richest Muslim in the world. Based on my connections, I have on a daily basis examined who he meets and when. Its staggering the political influence he has around the globe. He’s not your typical Arab oil Prince who spends his time with blond western women, sipping fine wines and racing Ferraris. Although he does that too, there’s more to him than that. He is a social architect who was educated in the States with a Masters degree in Social Sciences. He has wasted no time in using this degree to mold the American people in his Muslim likeness.
As you watch the video you will find him warm and businesslike with claims of great love for capitalism and America. Don’t be fooled!
He mentions that he stays out of American politics. That’s not true! The Prince “is” the point man for Muslim Arab influence in Washington. No one from the Arab world has more creditability with our President than the Prince. As we are finding out, our President is more sympathetic to the Arab-Muslim cause than to Israel. During our last election, the Prince according to his own schedule met with many top ranking democrats and American fat cats prior to endorsing Barrack Obama. I have mentioned in past articles that Jimmy Carter, Warren Buffett and many more met in the spring and early summer of 2008 with the prince prior to endorsing the President. You should be concerned!
The Prince’s financial contributions to CAIR, Council on American-Islamic Relations are well known. This is the group that sues the FBI for not having enough Muslims in its ranks. It’s the group that now sues you, if you call Muslim men terrorists, while they’re being thrown off a plane for being disruptive. They are the group that threatens to sue the federal government for calling the Muslim terrorist who killed so many of our soldiers in Ft. Hood, a “Muslim.”
Prince Al-Waleed, with his billions in American media corporations has been instrumental in molding what you can and can’t say on our TV and radio shows. Prince Al-Waleed, along with CAIR holds the threatening discrimination sword on the necks of every news and entertainment corporation in America and with one whack could decapitate them legally.
With massive holdings in our largest bank Citigroup he already is well on his way to influencing our banking industry with offices in every small town and large city in America. Yes, he is everywhere and I bet you never heard of him before reading this article, right?
Now, the Prince is going after Rupert Murdoch's News Corp, the one last source of information not poisoned by his influence. The Fox News TV channel is now the most trusted news source in America. If Murdock losses this battle the American people will have only the secondary news sources to rely on. This would be a tragedy and will bring us another step towards Muslim domination.
Make no mistake; the Prince has every intention to Muslimize America, if we let him. He is no friend to America and no friend of yours.